
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yoooohh Tuuuuube

our weird new vid.

ATTENTiON! i'm giving these out!The whole family.We ate these tonight. They tasted a little fake, but the core was good. (Fudge)

I really love these lyrics.

Close your eyes

and take my hand

We will rise

once again Close your eyes

and take his hand

We'll be home

once again

That's my father


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A vErY L0nG p0sT.

Coc-E-CoLee, the 1 and OnLeei luv RAINBOWz! .............and.................Hell0 kitty!new shirt. =Dnew dressez.s0o0o, we might m0ve acr0ss the street. we went inside the h0use. and here- is. the. kitchen here is the HUGE basement. It d0esn't l00k s0 big, but it is, trust me.an0ther r00m in the basement.and an0ther r00m in the basement.and this... would be my r00m. s0rry ab0ut the r0tati0n. just tilt y0ur head t0 the left, and it'll be a n0rmal r00m. xD and that down below is a cl0ser l00k at my ceiling. i kn0w what y0ur thinking- ew. but my dad is g0ing t0 fix the place, if we m0ve here.~Lee-uh

Saturday, February 23, 2008


mike sh0t SAM!n0, Sam cut his leg 0n a glass d00r. and now he has 8 stitches.~LeaHHHHHH

Friday, February 22, 2008

a p0sT.

a GC piqqq.tHe skateb0ard that I haRdly uSe, & wiLL usE in the suMMer.Gee-TaR.a credit card commercial. :\Momm-E g0t me a new candle! :P it's 0range mang0.Sweet Key-Key.~Le0.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


our BMX team thats... me.

We went to a school and did some footAGE fer our videos. my me.SharpieZ pretty braclets. ~Leahhhh

Saturday, February 16, 2008

sUm.... PiCtuReZ?

a dress.a dress and a jacket.

new shoez! they got suckers on them. hmmm...i made this out of a piece of wire. I Like-Y da pic. & idk why.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


HaPPy VaLenTiNeZ dAy.

i got facebook. here

heres a quote:

don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened.


yUm... c00kiEz

i haven't had one of theze in a while... and.... der YuMmYfUL.

we saw this abandoned house yeshterday

and i rearranged meh r00m.

WuV, Mee. <3

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I cAn sEE yOuR fAcE.


a scArY eYE.

suM tReeS 4 yOuZ!

yay fEr kiTTiEz!~LEAHHHHH!!!!!!
Cait- there's a link for blessthefall in da link section.