today is mah dads birthday. that's whats up. anddd, i'm really bored. i absolutely ADORE this weather, i love the wind. i've been getting migraines every day, so you can pray for me in that way. i NEED a new matress, badly...i have really bad back pains in the morning, i would give my matress to Doug because he's sleeping on a couch, but i dunno what i'd sleep on. : i got a cell fone, but i think i'm going to get rid of it. it was my dads old one, but i don't wanna have to pay for it...so i won't. i love my cats alot............i don't know what to talk about, so i just won't talk.
i'm outt,-leahgrace;
3 cmnts:
Wow, that's intense. I'll be praying for you.
Praying for you, too, Leah!
I hear peppermint oil or smelling strong peppermint in general is supposed to help with headaches... but I haven't had any strong ones since I got glasses so haven't tested it yet.
oh, good to know.
yeh i really might need
glasses, i mostly can see
fine, but not too far...
and that's what could be
causing my migraine/headaches.
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